A building workshop based on the Belgian town of Wavr has made an APPARATUS that sanitizes general store and air terminal trucks using UV light to decrease the danger of infection by a coronavirus, the supposed ‘UV Safety Box.’

The first requests have just started to be dispersed among “a few general stores in France and Belgium,” and their execution, as per their makers, can help “decrease the dissemination of the infection” and give security to clients.
“The steps are very plain and simple.” The client takes the truck, places it in the unit, hits the lever, while being aware that the ultraviolet blue light disinfects the stuff. While waiting, they can also sterilize their hands” says the sales director of the business, De Ceuster. Simon Segers.
The procedure only lasts 15 seconds that includes radiation of 254 nm, which “wipes out a wide range of known viruses and microscopic organisms” from both the cart and other things that you need to sanitize for safety.

The innovation is similar to what the hospital is using to clean devices and their utilization.
Moreover, we learned that more employees and companies are using alcohol, liquid sanitizer, etc. With this innovation using UV Safety Box, the company will save more money.
Behind this COVID 19 virus we’re facing now, it is fascinating for the Belgian organization that this sort of machine, just as the “cleanliness habits acquired” during the COVID-19 emergency, is kept up after some time to guarantee a “more healthy society” in the years to come.